уторак, 19. јануар 2016.


The ambient installation The left hand secret was made after a long time of historical reaserch. 
One of the ways of reading history represents. An arcane way of thinking( with precisely defined symbolics),whose presence we are aware of only trough its destructive form,which is the essential historical mark according to the author. This work is a kind of artistic initiation ,consisting of a secret available to thoe who are capable of creating it in their own souls, independent of social,physical,political,cultural and any other environment.                  

   The work consists of ordinary consumers bags, filled with blood(which dribbles from them slowly). The bags are hung all over the gallery which we want to mark. One of  the possible work^s  consequences can be a conflict between an external experiencing  flash blood (which is consumers and essential value) and an internal airtight,symbolic experiencing,connected with various cultures with different and usually unexplained meanings.

The work can be observed both as an ambient/installation and a performance at the same time. Digital prints (photographs) can be taken from it as a special artistic form.

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